
The best quality fire doors on the market

As the risk of fire and explosion has become increasingly high, selecting the best quality fire doors is always considered as the first priority of every family.

Fire doors are the best option for us to prevent detonating combustion along with its damages from happening. With special composition, fire doors can prevent fire from developing fast in a certain period, helping

Some best fire doors in the market include fire-resistant steel doors, wooden fireproof doors, inox fireproof doors. These are 3 of the best selling fireproof doors used for families or constructions such as shopping malls, office buildings, hospitals, electricity stations, transformer stations,…

Except fire doors’fireproof functioning, they also help with preventing smoke entering into the room, enabling people have time to exit safely in case of detonating conbustion, minimizing property losses before the fire being extinguished.

Besides, they also help prevent thieves break into houses as they are designed with strong texture, making them difficult to be opened or broken leading to their high protection for houses’properties.

Materials used for fireproof doors are qualified, strong, soundproof,… bring a peaceful and relaxing environment for users.

Nowadays, fireproof doors are made with not only iron, steel but also wood, glass,…making them diverse, being suitable for different types of space in terms of eye catching design, harmony based on The Feng Shui.

The following 3 fireproof doors are the 3 best fireproof doors highly recommend for users:

Steel fireproof door

Made out of high-end steel materials, used for walkingstairs area, exit area,… of apartment buildings, houses.


  • Made out of high-end steel plates, with thickness of 0,8 – 1,5mm.
  • Honeycomb paper and specialized glass wool core.
  • Using oil-pain or powder coating, fire rating time from 60 minutes up to 120 minutes.
  • Associated fittings such as: lock, door exit bar, door closer.

Typical advantages:

  • Made out of high-end materials so steel fireproof doors are consistent, not warped, tight under standards. Doors’colour is very diverse. Besides, they are easy to be maintained and have resonable price.

Wood grain steel fire door

Self-contained modern production line. Structure of fireproof door:

  • Using electroplated steel materials with a thickness of 0.6 – 1.5mm.
  • Door surface: powder coating and wood grain printing with natural finish.
  • High-end honeycomb paper and glass wool core.

Typical advantages: In addition, the door also has a high aesthetic design with fire-proof wood grain steel doors suitable for many different projects. Creating a sense of security and coziness for the family living space.

Stainless steel fireproof door.

Its fireproof capacity better than that of steel door, suitable for weather conditions.

Structure include:

  • Made out of stainless steel sheets with thickness of 0,8-1,5mm
  • Core is made out of fireproof honeycomb or glass wool.
  • Fire rating time upto 180 minutes.

Typical advantages: 

  • High fireproof capacity surpassing that of high end steel doors.
  • Matching any kinds of serious weather conditions.
  • Antioxidant.
  • Not being warped
  • Elegant and luxurious design.

These are 3 top fireproof doors on the market, highly recommended by Vonta to customers. Each type of door mentioned has its own typical advantage, design in order to match any particular location, building and technical requirement. To be able to buy the best kinds of fireproof doors, you need to rely on trusted manufacturing companies and fireproof stores. We hope that this articale will help you figure out the suitable type of fireproof door meeting your requirements.

Nowadays, Vonta produces high end fireproof doors so you can access our website to get to know product descriptions.


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